October's Health News
Dear friends and patients, If this is the first email you have received from me I apologize for not keeping you informed with my practice information and health advice. I will now be sending you health care news occasionally. I hope that you find this information useful, but of course, unsubscribe if you do not wish to receive these. I continue to study nutrition and food that supports health. In a recent class I attended the topic was Alzheimer’s disease, also now referred to as Type 3 diabetes. While there is no cure for Alzheimer’s, the health support recommended to minimize the risk, are the same healthy habits that have been shown to reduce your risk of diabetes. The number one factor appears to be simply controlling your blood sugar levels.
If you do not know both your blood glucose levels and your hemoglobin A1c levels schedule an appointment and I can order these inexpensive tests for you. From these standard lab results you will know if your sugar intake is healthy or needs to be modified. Weight control is also a major factor with preventing diabetes and Alzheimer’s. If you are overweight, the excess fat tissue produces inflammatory cytokines. An excess of inflammatory cytokines has been shown to play a role in the development of depression, allergies, autoimmune diseases, obesity, and heart disease.
I have been studying and eating “health foods” since I was a teenager. Even though I have never had a weight problem I recognize how difficult weight loss can be. Over the years I’ve had too many patients that were simply overweight or constantly on different “yo-yo” diets. Recently a Medical Physician Internist friend of mine introduced me to a weight loss program he has been recommending for over 3 years. I looked into it, was impressed and have begun to implement it into my practice. It does not require any pills or strenuous exercise and typically does not cost you more than you are currently paying for your groceries. I have seen results and know many who are on the program and have maintained their ideal weight for years.
The program’s success rate is based upon healthy diet and lifestyle coaching. If you need to lose weight your success rate will be enhanced by coaching; and best of all my coaching services are free. Please contact my office if you would like to learn more about laboratory blood analysis to enhance your health or lifestyle coaching to lose weight.